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Overwrite CMS blocks in Nuxt 3 APP (Nuxt Layer way)

Overwrite CMS blocks in Nuxt 3 APP (Nuxt Layer way)

To override CMS blocks in the Nuxt 3 app, create a .vue file with the cms block name in the components directory. Because of auto importing, CMS component import will be overwritten by the new file with the same name.

More about auto imports can be found here

Example how to overwrite the cms block product listing

We have this cms element component from cms-base package:

If we want to create our own product listing component in demo-store the correct place would be: templates/vue-demo-store/components/cms/block/CmsBlockProductListing.vue


Internal components are not a part of public API. Once overwritten you need to track the changes on your own.

Resolving folder structure

Nuxt is resolving names by folder structure, so if you have:
then component name is PublicSomeName.

You can repeat folder structure in name like:

These are the same components resolving as CmsName. 💡

Internal components

As example: some components use SwSharedPrice.vue to show prices with corresponding currency for products in many places like product card, product details page and so on. In order to change the way how the price is displayed consistently - create a one component with a name SwSharedPrice.vue and that's it. The new component will be used everywhere where is "imported" (autoimported actually).

Generic CMS components

Generic components are responsible for resolving each CMS element